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Simply put your gift in the offering!

If you’re a UK tax payer please sign up to Gift Aid and use a Gift Aid envelope to give by cash or cheque .

Please make cheques payable to ‘Cornerstone Church’.

We also have a chip and pin machine available on request.

If you prefer to pay via paypal simply click the link bellow.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer you can add Gift Aid to your giving. Gift Aid is a government initiative, where the basic rate of tax you have already paid on your giving is relinquished to the charitable organisation you are giving to. For example, for every £1 you give, Cornerstone Church receives £1.25.

The first time you add Gift Aid to your giving, you will need to setup a Gift Aid reference number. This is done by filling in a Gift Aid Declaration. From then on, quote your Gift Aid number each time you give and Gift Aid is automatically added to your giving.

Please download and print the Gift Aid Declaration and complete the details. We will need an original copy of this declaration so please bring this with you on a Sunday and place in the offering. Alternatively you can post the declaration form to the following address:

Cornerstone Church Harrow, c/o Wealdstone Baptist Church, High Street, Wealdstone, Harrow, HA3 5DL

If you give by Direct Debit or standing order, please use your Gift Aid reference number as the transaction reference, so we can claim Gift Aid on these amounts.

For other electronic forms of giving please make sure you complete the questions regarding Gift Aid.
Also, if you are in a higher income-tax bracket, then you can claim back the tax on your giving which is above the basic rate. Contact HMRC for guidance on how to make this claim.

Standing Order

Another effective way to give is by standing order. Decide how much you want to give, set it up, and let your giving take care of itself each month.

If you would like to set up a standing order directly with your bank or via internet banking, contact us for the details.

SMS Giving

To give one-off donations using your smart phone via SMS, text CCHA01 followed by the amount you wish to give to 70070.

For example, text CCHA01 £5 to 70070 to donate £5.











If you have any queries with regards to your giving please call our administrator or use our contact form.

Contact Us

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